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Among или between? 1. if i were to choose… these two sorts, i’d choose the first one.2.the village…the field and the river is just ours.3.they found the boy… the boats on the bank of the river.4. our family is the best… the others.5.the story is the best… the others.6.he’s the cleverest person… his classmates.7. the officer hit him right… the eyes.8.the five great lakes lie… the usa and canada.9.there’s no agreement.. them, don’t exaggerate.10.the temperature is … 10-13 degrees.11.i can’t find anysing suspicious… the things lying on the floor

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 among

2 between

3 among

4 between

5 among

6 between

7 between

8 between

9 among

10 between

11 among

1 c) Christopher Columbus

2 1942

3) с) Italy

4 America

5 west

6 c

7 d

8 b

9 a

10 a

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