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Его отец был военным врачом-майором в армии. владел  персидским,  арабским  и  французским  языками  и однажды сказал решату: «я хотел воспитать тебя как эмиля из романа  руссо». он побуждал сына лучше узнавать людей, природу, размышлять о них. все это сыграло важную роль в становлении решата нури как писателя. решат нури посещал начальную школу в  чанаккале, чанаккалинскую среднюю школу и школу freres в измире. он закончил  стамбульский университет, факультет в  1912 году. работал как  учитель  и  директор  в средних школах в  бурсе  и  стамбуле. в нескольких школах стамбула писатель давал уроки  ,  турецкого языка,  философии, занимается руководящей работой. также работает инспектором в министерстве национального образования (1931). он работал представителем  чанаккалемежду  1933  и  1943  в турецком парламенте, старшим инспектором в министерстве национального образования (1947), и атташе по делам культуры в  париже  (1950), когда также был турецким представителем в  юнеско.в  1927 году  решат нури женится на госпоже хадийе, выпускнице женской школы эренкей. у них рождается дочь эла.перевод на

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4,6(53 оценок)

His father was a military major doctor in the army. he spoke persian, arabic and french and once told resat: “i wanted to educate you like emil from the novel of rousseau.” he encouraged his son to get to know people, nature, to reflect on them. all this played an important role in the formation of reshat nuri as a writer. reshat nuri attended elementary school in canakkale, chanakkala high school and freres school in izmir. he graduated from istanbul university, department of literature in 1912. he worked as a teacher and director in high schools in bursa and istanbul. in several schools in istanbul, the writer gave lessons in literature, turkish language, philosophy, is engaged in leadership. he also works as an inspector in the ministry of national education (1931). he worked as a representative of chanakkalemezhdu 1933 and 1943 in the turkish parliament, as a senior inspector at the ministry of national education (1947), and cultural attaché in paris (1950), when he was also a turkish representative at unesco.in 1927, reshat nuri marries mrs. hadiye, erenkay, a graduate of the women's school. they have al's daughter
4,8(40 оценок)

his father was a military major doctor in the army. he spoke persian, arabic and french and once told resat: “i wanted to educate you like emil from the novel of rousseau.” he encouraged his son to get to know people, nature, to reflect on them. all this played an important role in the formation of reshat nuri as a writer. reshat nuri attended elementary school in canakkale, chanakkala high school and freres school in izmir. he graduated from istanbul university, department of literature in 1912. he worked as a teacher and director in high schools in bursa and istanbul. in several schools in istanbul, the writer gave lessons in literature, turkish language, philosophy, is engaged in leadership. he also works as an inspector in the ministry of national education (1931). he worked as a representative of chanakkalemezhdu 1933 and 1943 in the turkish parliament, as a senior inspector at the ministry of national education (1947), and cultural attaché in paris (1950), when he was also a turkish representative at unesco.

in 1927, reshat nuri marries mrs. hadiye, erenkay, a graduate of the women's school. they have al's daughter.

Потому что, они потеряют былой смысл, а так же настоящего автора и будет не понятно кто автор.

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