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Почему вы думаете, что некоторые работы важнее других на

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    ваша школьная газета попросила написать эссе – обсуждение аргументов            за и  против запрета агрессии в спорте.

's young people have changed cultural and spiritual values, changed examples to follow. attractive for teenagers are often those people whom they see on tv screens, rude strongmen, agressive sportsmen. all this contributes to an increase in the level of aggressiveness. scientists have different views about whether aggression is innate or acquired throughout life.

many sports are extremely violent, yet this doesn't stop people watching them or playing them. should violent sports be banned or are they just a way for people to enjoy themselves? let' consider arguments ''for and against" there are a lot dangerous sports such as fighting, boxing, football, hockey, martial arts - all these kinds of sports are dangerous according to the statistics of injuries. many young boxers, for example, are seriously injured every year.

on the other hand, there are some disadvantages to banning violent sports. to start with, violent sports can be a healthy way for people to relax and ''let off steam.'' as a result, general aggression and violence in society will be reduced. moreover, instead  of banning violent sports, we can improve their safety standards, for instance, by using better protective clothing and equipment. consequently, sports injuries will be reduced.

in conclusion, there are arguments both for and against the banning of violent sports. as for me i strongly believe violent sports should be banned, as i feel they are not going to help people to live together peacefully.

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