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Мне хотелось бы проверить правильно ли я написала сочинение.главное грамматика! dear alice, hello! how are you? thanks for your last letter. it was great to hear about your summer holidays. today a new school year was stsrted. our 1st september was very offical. ceremony was on the school garden. all the klasses of intermediate and higheast school was on the school ceremony. our school cerberation renovated. oh, yes i forget to tell you about renews in the schoolhouse. our school repaired/ in the klass, when we was learning english hppend shifts. dasks and blackboard are replaised. timetable is also changed. phisics, geometry and algebra are added. and what abot your timetable? я уверена что тут море ошибок но все таки если вы укажите 2-3, то моя оценка на улучшится.

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Year has started our september the first celebrity ceremony was in classes school was repaired classroom where we were(где мы чтото делали а может не так понял) replaced about

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