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Вставтьте глаголы to be в нужной форме. переведите предложение 1) they great friends 2) their city very old. 3) my friend in england last year 4) she at the university at 9 5) there tree roomds in our flat 6) we .. at the exhibition yesteday 7) you a student ? 8) i busy today

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) they are great friends 2) their city is very old. 3) my friend was in england last year 4) she will be at the university at 9 5) there are tree rooms in our flat 6) we were at the exhibition yesterday 7) are you a student ? 8) i am busy today 1) они - большие друзья 2) их город старый. 3) мой друг был в в прошлом году. 4) она будет в университете в 9 часов. 5) в нашей квартире три комнаты. 6) мы были на выставке вчера. 7) вы студент ? 8) я занят сегодня.

Where was the professor inveted tonight? why did his wife look out the window? who was the famous professor? why did the professors invite scientists to the club?

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