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Aroma, platter,common sight, deep-fried, marinated,pop,roasted,pest, contamination, unavoidable,witchetty grub,dough,nutty taste,edlible, abundant, fraction of the resources, cholesterol. с этими словами нужно составить 10 предложений в одном из будущих времён! ! много

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Andrew said he was watching a documentary on the SETI programme.

2. Helen said she could/might get a job with the local TV station.

3. He told her that Peter wouldn't like the news at all.

4. She said to Betty that John thought his neighbor was an alien.

5. Sammy said that Peter had lent her a book about UFO’s.

6. She told me that the scandal would be all over the press tomorrow.

7. Mark asked whether/if he had visited the Science Museum.

8. My friend told me I must/had to inform the police about my problem.

9. He said that tabloid journalists were calling his house.

10. She said she hadn't said anything to those reporters.


Если при переводе в косвенную речь используется время (said, told, asked etc.), необходимо соблюдать правила согласования времён:

will → would;Present Simple (Continuous, Perfect) → Past Simple (Continuous, Perfect);Past Simple (Continuous) → Past Perfect (Perfect Contionuous);may → could / might;must → must / had to;I, my etc. → (s)he, his / her etc.

При переводе в косвенную речь общего вопроса придаточное предложение присоединяется к главному с союза whether или if.

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