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Перевидите на . в 7: 00 я встаю. в 7: 30 завтракаю. а в 8: 00 иду в школу. со школы я прихожу в 2: 10 дня. в 2: 30 дня, . в 3: 00 дня делаю письменные уроки. в 4: 00 вечера иду гулять. в 6: 30 вечера я ужиную. в 7: 00 вечера повторяю усные уроки. в 9: 00 вечера смотрю кино. а спать лажусь в 11: 00 вечера.

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At seven am i usually wake upat seven thirty am i eat breakfast and at eight am i go to school i come from school at two and ten pmat two thirty pm i eat lunch at three pm i do my writing tasksat four pm i go for a walkat six thirty pm i eat dinner at seven pm i revise my oral tasksat nine pm i watch a filmand i go to bed at eleven pm

i get up at 7: 00. i have breakfast at 7: 30.

i go to school at 8: 00. i come home from school at 2: 10 in the afternoon. at 2: 30 pm, lunch. at 3: 00 am doing written lessons. at 4: 00 pm i go for a walk. i'm having dinner at 6: 30. at 7: 00 pm i repeat the lessons.

at 9: 00 pm i watch a movie. i'm going to bed at 11: 00 at night.

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