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Нужна небольшая и не маленькая сценка на языке со сценарием и с ! 5 класс

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хозяин осла (master)

осёл (donkey)

пёс (dog)

кот (cat)

петух (rooster)

разбойники (robbers)

реквизит: костюмы персонажей, кружки или миски и оружие у рахбойников.

можно варьировать количество разбойников (а также добавить хозяйку осла) в зависимости от количества учеников.  

musicians of bremen 1   musicians of bremen 2   musicians of bremen 3   musicians of bremen 4

(хозяин выводит на сцену осла, обращается к зрителям.)  

master: look at my donkey. it was good and strong. it could carry heavy bags with flour. but now it is old. it can't work. (обращаясь к ослу) go away!

(хозяин уходит. осёл разводит руками)  

donkey: what shall i i'll find a new house.  

(осёл марширует на месте, изображая, что идёт по дороге. к нему подходит пёс)  

donkey: what's the matter, doggy?

dog: i helped the hunter. i ran in the forest and in the field. but now i'm old. he wanted to kill me, and i ran away.

donkey: let's find a new house!

dog: good idea!

( осёл и пёс идут по дороге. к ним подходит кот)  

dog: what's the matter, kitty?  

donkey: why are you sad?

cat: i lived on the farm. i caught mice. but now i'm old. what shall i do?

donkey: let's find a new house!

cat: good idea!

( осёл, пёс и кот идут по дороге. к ним подходит петух)  

cat: what's the matter, rooster?

rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo! my master wanted to eat me! what shall i do?

cat: let's find a new house!

rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo! good idea!

( все четверо идут по дороге)  

rooster: it's dark!

cat: i'm thirsty!

dog: i'm hungry!

donkey: i'm tired!

( петух указывает в сторону)  

rooster: look! a light!

donkey: it's a house!

dog: there's meat!

cat: there's milk! let's go there!

(персонажи отходят в сторону (подходят к "дому"), делают вид, что заглядывают в окна)

donkey: i see the robbers. they are having supper!

(появляются разбойники. они делают вид, что едят и пьют. разбойники поют песню (выберите наиболее подходящую из изученных). животные начинают кричать не своими голосами)

donkey: meow!

dog: cock-a-doodle-doo!

cat: bow-wow-wow!

rooster: hee-haw!  

разбойники напуганы)

robber 1: oh, it's a monster!

robber 2: i'm frightened!

robber 3: let's run away!

(разбойники убегают. животные заходят в "дом".)

donkey: what a good house!

dog: let's live here!

cat: good idea!

rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo!

Favourite flower*                                                                                                                         his favorite flower, i would have called a tulip. it is spring and the tulips are usually in a hurry to grow up to 8 march. dad often gives tulips mother on this holiday. but i like the tulip is not for it. just a flower is very fragile and so delicate that takes your breath away. tulip reminds me of a beautiful young girl. this is due to the harmony of the flower, probably. tulips just modest incline their heads, not yet blossomed. tulip bud on a flexible stalk forward - it is a real work of art. their petals are delicate, as if made of silk or some other magical cloth. to touch them - and afraid to mash. tulips are found in many colors. the most common - a red and yellow in a cup with pollen in a black frame. these tulips grow, for example, in the garden of my grandparents. and there are pale pink tulips, yellow, white, spotted, with or without fringe, and even red, purple! there are all varieties of tulips does not happen! florists brought even black tulips, it's just handsome. what can i say, because there are tulips with various patterns, color stains and other decorations. often there are tulips that lustrous shine like patent leather. i dream in the future to go to amsterdam, holland. this country - the realm of every variety of tulip varieties. i can imagine how much beauty there, how many interesting things you can see there. very beautiful tulips that bloom. and the most wonderful tyulpanchiki that i have ever seen, growing in the flowerbed at the theater. it was a rare variety. these tulips have a pale pink color, even white-pink shade was so gentle. and through the finest petals sun shone. on the lawn grass beds, these tulips look simply divine.                                                          

Популярно: Английский язык