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4. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past perfect. 1.it was warm and sunny. spring (come) at last! 2. it snowed yesterday just as the weatherman (promise). 3. nobody lived in the village. tsunami (destroy) it. 4. he bought a video camera yesterday. he (dream) of it for so long. 5. the child felt much better now. the doctor (give) it some medicine. 6. her name was apple. her parents (call) her so. 7. they realized that times (change). 8. he couldn’t believe that he (achieve) everything, that he (make) a good career. 9. he (live) in samara before he came to st. petersburg. 10. by the time the children returned home from school, mother (cook) dinner. 11. he was upset. he (lost) his mobile phone again. 12. she couldn’t believe that he (forget) to congratulate her on her birthday. 13. the composer sang the song which he (write) many years before. 14. he was going to tell the detective some facts which he never (tell) anyone. 15. they were discussing the information they (manage) to get. 7.ответьте, используя future perfect tense и слова в скобках. example: will jill be busy at 6pm? (finish essay) oh, no, jilly will have finished her essay by that time. 1. will the couple be at their hotel on monday? (move to the old beach house) 2. will the committee be discussing the project at 2 o’clock? (make a decision) 3. will the pupils be writing their test at ten? (finish) 4. will mike’s niece still be a pupil next autumn? (finish school) 5. will greg still remember molly in ten years? (forget) 6. will greg be at home on tuesday? (leave for china) 8. преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого. 1. he has bought a new bike. 2. i’ve sent a letter to my friend. 3. she has made a very bad mistake. 4. the children have gone to bed. 5. we’ve met our business partners. 6. they have cleaned their rooms. 7. the tourists have visited the national gallery. 8. the teacher has checked our tests. 9. harry has broken his car. 10. mary has seen this film.

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Hello. mr. ronaldo. nice to meet you. i'm happy to see you in my ball shop.-thanks a lot.- do you want vine a little? we have the best vine ever.-yes, thanks. please tell me about your balls. i heard a lot of recall from my friends and decided to buy a ball to my son here.- yes, you did a good choice. i have a great experience. i work with a lot of football clubs in englandand america. they buy nearly 3000 ball a year. everyone knows my balls.  - really? are you take a special order? -yes. for example last year i visited spain and sewed a great ball for the trainer of futbol club barcelona. the players decided to present him something special and called me. my trip was great. i liked more than 2 years ago in russia. was cold and i was sick.  - it is very interesting. how long are you doing this? -oh, maybe 5 years. i was a teacher 6 years ago. but one day i woke up and decided to change my life. i liked to sew and i was a big fan of football. yes, it is strange a little, but i decided to connect two my passion. and i did it. i became a famous sellet of good balls. and even you hears about . you are a good cook too. it is so yummy) thanks for your hospitality. i will buy two balls. for my son and my friend zidan. he will be happy)

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