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Расставьте по порядку. a – while the explorers were hiking with fl ashlights, they came across colourful centipedes and a bird-eating tarantula. at down the students got up to watch birds and animals. they watched everything around them: birds, monkeys, insects, etc. b – during the excursion, a guide grabbed a caiman, a tropical crocodile which was examined and released. all enjoyed swimming in the river though the water was too dark. it was a safe place because piranhas wouldn’t attack unless there is blood in the water. c – the students had prepared for this trip, run by cetfi, by studying rainforest ecology and wildlife, as well as south american history. d – one cold grey day in march, a group of students left their school in millbrook, new york, for south america. when they reached iquitos, peru, on the amazon river, they were met by intense humidity (dampness, wetness) and heat. e – back at school the students raised money for a peruvian zoo that protected rainforest animals. f – they went by boats down the yarapa river and 90 miles away to yacumama – deep in the heart of the amazon rainforest.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. We hadn't told him about the time of the meeting.

2. She hadn't washed the vegetables for the salad.  


3. You hadn't caught a small fish by that time.

4. The burglars hadn't robbed the bank.

5. A zookeeper hadn't fed the animals by twelve o'clock.

6. David hadn't eaten all the sandwiches by two o'clock.

7. They hadn't been to this town before.

8. I hadn't done all the arrangements by Saturday.

9. Alice hadn't shown me her paintings before.

10. You hadn't forgotten about her request.



, не понимаю как делать of Exercise 4. Сделайте предложения отрицательными. 1. We had told him about

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