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Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты. укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1, 2 или 3) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (a) – e). the film production process depends a) wide b) specialist services. technology for filming and for post-production c) of investment and close cooperation between film-makers and technologists. the major studios d) these relationships – even e) buying into the companies involved. a) (1) on access to a (2) on way to the (3) from the access to b) (1) choice from (2) assortment in (3) range of c) (1) includes high standards (2) involves high levels (3) involve rich levels d) (1) have sought to maintain (2) are seeking to maintaining (3) have sought in maintenance of e) (1) as far to (2) determined to (3) to the extent of

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)the letter will be sent on the following monday.письмо будет отправлено на следующий понедельник. 2)he will be invited.  он будет приглашен. 3)the picture will be painted with a pencil.  картина будет нарисована карандашом.

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