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№11 завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты. укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1, 2 или 3) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (a) – e). in many a) anglo-saxon culture was one of extreme richness, as we can immediately appreciate by looking b) and painting from the north of england. the tradition reflected in this art is c) which had been d) ireland in the later sixth and early seventh centuries – stylistically a combination of the local dense abstract patterning with e) from roman sculpture and possibly mosaic. a) (1) considerations (2) accountings (3) respects b) (1) for seven-centuries sculpture (2) at seventh-century sculpture (3) at seventh-century’s sculptures c) (1) that of celtic christianity (2) about the celts’ christianity (3) this of the christianity of the celts d) (1) imported from (2) transported out from (3) carried back from e) (1) an effect (2) influences (3) experiences №12 прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (a) – e) предложениями (1) – 6). внимание: есть одно лишнее предложение. укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (a) – e). the vikings during the 8th to 11th centuries hordes of scandinavians spread out by land and sea across europe, colonizing as far as constantinople in the east and possibly even newfoundland in the west. a) . famous for their manoeuvrable ocean-going longships, the sea warriors shocked contemporary chroniclers with the speed and ferocity of their attacks. b) . britain at the time consisted of squabbling, disunited kingdoms. c) . as a result in 865 a huge army of norwegian and danish vikings seized scottish and irish coastal areas and most of northern and eastern england. d) . this became known as the danelaw, where vikings settled as farmers, traders or craftsmen. despite their popular image as terrifying barbarians, the vikings brought to britain their tradition of epic poetry, their art and their expertise as traders and in shipbuilding. e) . 1) moves to the south and west, however, were successfully blocked by alfred, king of wessex, who negotiated the division of england between himself and the danish king, the latter retaining the part to the north and east of watling street. 2) later, in 1013, there was another invasion. 3) they were also notorious for their readiness to sack churches and monasteries. 4) they were unequipped to mount a united front against invaders. 5) these vikings (meaning 'pirates'), or norsemen, traded and raided their way across europe. 6) their tongue influenced the english language. №13 прочитайте текст и определите, являются ли верными высказывания, ниже. если высказывание верно, укажите в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (a) – e) цифру 1, если неверно – цифру 2. the vikings during the 8th to 11th centuries hordes of scandinavians spread out by land and sea across europe, colonizing as far as constantinople in the east and possibly even newfoundland in the west. famous for their manoeuvrable ocean-going longships, the sea warriors shocked contemporary chroniclers with the speed and ferocity of their attacks. britain at the time consisted of squabbling, disunited kingdoms. as a result in 865 a huge army of norwegian and danish vikings seized scottish and irish coastal areas and most of northern and eastern england. this became known as the danelaw, where vikings settled as farmers, traders or craftsmen. despite their popular image as terrifying barbarians, the vikings brought to britain their tradition of epic poetry, their art and their expertise as traders and in shipbuilding. 1) nowadays the borders of the territory controlled by the vikings cannot be determined with a hundred percent certainty. 2) accounts of the vikings’ raids describe them as very aggressive people. 3) at the time of the vikings britain was not prepared for their numerous attacks. 4) the army of the vikings was not really mighty. 5) on the whole the vikings’ influence on britain was negative.

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the sun had been shining since i got up this morning.

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