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Hagrid - старое диалектное слово. как оно произошло? переводчик его не переводит. примечание: фраза if you were hagrid означает - если у вас была плохая ночь

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Ну во первых фраза if you were hagrid означает-если бы вы были изможденыа во вторых я знаю только хагрида из хогвортсаа в третьих проверь может ты что-то неправильно написала

1. he (is having) breakfast now. 2. liza(is writing) an email to her pen friend. 3. the teachers (are speaking) to their parents at the moment. 4. natasha (is playing) the piano and her friends (are listening) to her 5. look! it (is not raining) anymore. the weather is fine. 6. where is sergey? he (to washing) the dishes in the kitchen? 7. the doctor is busy, he (is examining) the patient. 8. the baby(is not crying), she (is sleeping). 9. this week i (am studying) hard for my exams. 10. i (to want) to leave now. 11. the expression "we are considering you for the job" is commonly used in formal business correspondence and means that the company is still ( deciding) which candidate is the best. 12. these pictures ( belong) to the metropolitan museum of art. 13. i (can hear) what you (are saying). 14. our grandparents (are taking) us to their home town in june. 15. what an average car (cost) today?

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