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Люди, . не занималась уже ну давно и по этому уже как ни пыталась разобраться в некоторых предложениях в упор не вижу ошибок. отзовитесь кому не сложно 2. correct the sentences. example: i lived here since 1996. i've lived here since 1996. 1. i'll see the dentist on friday morning at 10 o'clock. 2. our cat has been missed since five days. 3. at last! i've been finding my contact 4. as soon as i opened the front door it was obvious that the house was 5. i hadn't got on very well with my father when i was young, but i do 6. i hadn't worked for very long when i was 7. who's smoked? can't you read? there's a 'no smoking' sign in 8. i'll be finishing this book by 9. he's written a novel for the past ten 10. don't come at 7.00. we'll have supper then.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i'll see the dentist on friday morning at 10 o'clock.

i'm seeing the dentist on friday morning at 10 o'clock.   (нужно употребить present continuous в значении будущего, т.к. речь идет о запланированном приеме у врача)

2. our cat has been missed since five days. - неправильный выбор формы причастия и неверный предлог

our cat has been missing for five days.

3. at last! i've been finding my contact lens. - неверная форма глагола. нужно использовать present perfect:

at last! i've found my contact lens.

4. as soon as i opened the front door it was obvious that the house was burgled.

as soon as i opened the front door it was obvious that the house had been burgled. - требуется past perfect для указания на то, что дом ограбили раньше, чем это было обнаружено.

5. i hadn't got on very well with my father when i was young, but i do now.  

i didn't get on very well with my father when i was young, but i do now. (используем past simple, ведь действия в обеих частях протекали одновременно)

6. i hadn't worked for very long when i was interrupted. - в принципе, так можно сказать. но раз надо исправить, то вот каким образом:

i hadn't been working for very long when i was interrupted.

7. who's smoked? can't you read? there's a 'no smoking' sign in here.

who's been smoking?   (используем present perfect continuous, потому что действие завершилось совсем недавно)

8. i'll be finishing this book by tonight.

i'll have finished this book by tonight. - требуется future perfect для действия, которое завершится к указанному моменту в будущем

9. he's written a novel for the past ten years.

he's been writing a novel for the past ten years. - действие все еще длится, потому используем present perfect continuous

10. don't come at 7.00. we'll have supper then.

don't come at 7.00. we'll be having supper then. - используем future continuous для указания на процесс, который будет длиться в определенный момент в будущем

1. i'm seeing the dentist on friday morning at 10 o'clock. 2. our cat has been missing for five days. 3. at last! i've found my contact lens. 4. as soon as i opened the front door it was obvious that the house had been burgled. 5. i didn't get on very well with my father when i was young, but i do now.6. i hadn't been working for very long when i was interrupted. 7. who's been smoking? can't you read? there's a 'no smoking' sign in here. 8. i'll have finished this book by tonight. 9. he's been writing a novel for the past ten years. 10. don't come at 7.00. we'll be having supper then.

She is average, with bushy hair and big teeth. in the first book she is introduced as: "she lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth." in the 4th book she is described as: "then two girls appeared in the kitchen doorway behind mrs. weasley. one, with very bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth, was harry's and ron's friend, hermoine granger." so basically the same throughout those 4 books. in book 4, it is made clear on many occasions that she has exceptionally big front teeth which detract from her appearance. from hermoine's original description it can be said that she looks average, but with bushy hair and big teeth that detract from her appearance. with her teeth shrunk, and hair tamed- she looks stunning. as we can see hermoine is much more attractive without her big teeth and bushy hair. in general her appearance is improved by her teeth having been shrunk to a normal size. from reading the book i would say hermoine is average looking. in general jk rowling never describes her appearance beyond the hair and teeth, except on the special instance of the yule ball. hermoine is not distinguished by her looks, but by her intelligent, wit, and wisdom, and also by her ethical stand and steadfast loyalty.

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