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Выпишите из текста “marketing and advertising” предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употреблены в страдательном залоге. marketing and advertising marketing concept includes various elements such as planning, research, new product development, sales, communications, advertising, etc. marketing starts with production and later studies all its stages before, during and after production. in the sales area, marketing provides information about forward demand for products and services. advertising is an important element of the marketing plan. it is used to increase sales by making the product or service known to a wider audience, and by stressing its superior qualities. a company can advertise in many ways, depending on how much it can spend on advertising. the different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to potential customers advertising is a highly developed business a lot of money is spent on advertising in every country. marketing planning is an integral part of the marketing mix and it depends on a thorough situation analysis.

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it   is used to increase sales by making the product or service known to a wider audience, and by stressing its superior qualities.

the different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to potential customers advertising is a highly developed business a lot of money   is spent on advertising in every country.

в тексте 2 предложения,   в которых глаголы-сказуемые употреблены в страдательном залоге. подлежащие подчеркнуты одной линией, сказуемые выделены жирным шрифтом.

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