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Спасайтеенайдите в следующих предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните их одной и двумя чертами соответственно. укажите время и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения на язык.1. no working diesel engine has ever actually followed the cycle out-lined by dr. diesel in his original patent claims. 2. the idea of auto-ignition of fuel was the chief feature retained. 553. naturally aspirated engines are usually designed for b.m.e.p. of about 90 lb/p.s.i. and supercharged engines for m.i.p. of 120 lb/p.s.i.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.diesel engine has followed-present perfect active

2.the idea was retained-past passive

3.engines are designed-present passive

Computer, that's evil, according to mom. but i have, too, sometimes are sore eyes from him. today, every second can afford to buy a computer and spend the internet home, it is at some point cool, but at some point it is harmful to health. the doctors say that it is better to spend time in the fresh air, but you see parents scold us when we walk a lot, do not understand them. the computer that the street is harmful to human health.

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