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.190. раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в past simple или past continuous. 1. when i (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 2. when nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys. 3. when mother (to come) home, i (to do) my homework. 4. when father (to come) home, pete (to sleep). 5. when mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet. 6. when i (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea. 7. when i (to come) to my friend's place, he (to watch) tv. 8. when i (to see) my friends , they (to play) football. 9. when i (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 10. when kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 11. when tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). 12. when i (to go) to school, i (to meet) my friend. 43. when we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. 14. when grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. 15. when henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bear cub. 16. when we (to walk) about in the for¬est, we (to see) a hare. 17. when i (to wash) the floor, i (to find) my old toy under the sofa. 18. when granny (to read) a book on the sofa, she (to fall) asleep. 19. when i (to play) in the yard, i suddenly (to see) my old friend. 20. when nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall). . 191. раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в past simple или past continuous. 1. they (to drink) tea when i (to come) home. 2. he (to walk) along the river when a boat (to pass). 3. the old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep. 4. we (to listen) to an interesting lec¬ture yesterday. 5. when i (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise-books. 6. they (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining. 7. yesterday at one o'clock i (to have) lunch at the canteen. 8. when he (to come) in, i (to do) my exercises. 9. what you (to do) at eight o'clock yesterday? 10. at this time yesterday i (to go) home. 11, you (to sleep) when i (to go) out. 12. he (to read) on the sofa when i (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him. 13. i (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass). 14. she (to look) out of the window when i (to see) her. 15. we (to answer) the teacher's questions when the head-mistress (to enter) the classroom.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ex. 190

1. came, was sleeping

2. came, was playing

3.came, was doing

4. came, was sleping

5. came, were playing

6. got uo, were drinking

7. came,was watching

8. saw, were playing

9.opened, was sitting

10. opened, were dancing

11. crossed, fell

12. was going, met

13. were going, met

14. was going, saw

15. was walking, found

16. were walking, saw

17. was washing, found

18. was reading, fell

19. was playing, saw

20. was running, fell

ex. 191

1. were drinking, came

2. was walking, passed

3. was thinking, fell

4. listened

5. entered, was writing, were copying

6. were getting, began

7. was having

8. came, was doing

9. were you doing

10.was going

11. were sleeping, went

12. was reading, came, sat

13. was walking, passed

14. was looking, saw

15. were answering, entered

«what is there so interesting in the modern british? »great britain is a state which united four amazingly beautiful countries: england, wales, scotland and northern ireland.     вотис зеа соу интрестин инзе модэн бритиш? грэйт бритн ис э стейт  вич юнайтид фо эмэйзинли бьютифул кантрис: ингланд, e’kp? скотланд энд нофэн айланд  the british isles are separated from europe by the english channel. зе бритиш айлс а сепарэйтид фром юроп бай зе инглиш чэнэл.   the popular belief that it rains all the time in britain is simply not true. in fact, london gets no more rain in a year than most other major european cities.  зе попюла бэлиф зет ит рейнс олзетайм by британ из симпли нот тру. by фэкт ландан гэтс ноу мо рейн инэ е зэн мост азе мэйдже юропин ситис.  besides britain is famous for i fogs. sometimes fogs are so thick that it is impossible to see anything within 2 or 3 metres.  бэсайдс бритн из фэймос фо итс фогс. самтаймс фогс a coy фик зет итис импосибл ту си энифин визин ту о фри митес.  there is a saying that britain doesn't have a climate, it only has weather. there can be cool and even cold days in july and some quite warm days in january.people in britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right.  зерис э c’by зет бритн дазнт хэв э клаймэт, ит онли хез вэзэ. зе кэн би кул энд ивн колд дэйс by джулай энд сам квайт вом дэйс ин дженьюэри. пипл by бритн драйв он зе лефт энд дженерали оветейк он зе райт.when you are in london you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. england is well served by roads, railways, ports, and airports. вэн ю а ин ландан ю кэн чуз фромфо дифферент мин соф трэнспот бас, трейн, андеграунд, о тэкси. ингланд ис вэл сёвд бай роудс, райлвейс, потс энд эапотс.highways radiate from london in all directions, and the increase in traffic is visible in the congested highways. london, other large cities, and towns are linked by an intercity network of trains.everyone knows that tea is the most popular drink in britain. х айвэйс рэдиэйт фром ландан инол дирэкшнс энд зе инкриз ин трэфик ис визибл ин зе конджестид хайвэйс. ландан, азе ладж ситис энд таунс а линкед бай энентёсити нетвок оф трейнсю евриван ноус зэт ти из зе моуст попюла дринк ин бритн.   it's even more popular than coffee, which is favoured throughout europe and america. nowadays, throughout the homes, tea shops and hotels of britain, the custom of tea-time continues. итис ивэн мо попбла зэн кофи вичис фэйворед фруаут юроп энд амэрика. наудейс фруаут зе хоумс , ти шопс энд хоутэлз оф бритн, зе кастом оф титайм континюис. tea in britain is brewed in a teapot. then the one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot is added. most people in britain prefer a rich, strong cup of tea with milk, and sugar is sometimes added to taste.  ти ин бритн ис брюд инэ типот. зен зе ван спунфул оф тип пё персон энд ванн фо пот ис адид. моуст пипл ин бритн префё э рич стронг кап оф ти виз милк энд шуга ис самтаймс эдид ту тейст. great britain is a country with a great number of historical sites. in this country there are lots of famous buildings, castles with their ancient history, old bridges and museums. грейт бритни ис э кантри виз э грейт намбероф сайтс. ин виз кантри зера лот оф фэймос билдингсб кастлс виз зеа эйшент олд бриджес энд мьюземс. a famous tower clock big-ben and buckingham palace are located here. the royal family lives in this palace. there are also ancient mansions with family ghosts in great britain. э феймос тауэ клок бигбэн энд бакинхэм пэлэс а локэйтид хие. зе роял фэмили ливз ин виз плейс. зера олсоу эйшент мэншинс виз фэмили гоустс ин грейт бритн.   no country in the world has such a big number of old mansions and fortresses, like great britain.great britain is a country which preserved ancient culture and traditions. the british are very well brought up and educated. ноу кантрис ин зе воулд хэс сач э биг намбэроф оулд мэншинс энд фотрисис лайк грейт бритн. грейт бритн иса кантри вич ппрезёвд эйшент калче энд трэдишинс. зе бритиш а вери вэл брот ап энд эдьюкэйтид.   they differ in their politeness, restraint, accuracy and love for cleanness and order. but what impresses me most is that they are very proud of the traditions of their country and that they follow them accurately. зей диффэ ин зеа полайтнесб рестрейнб экьюреси энд лав клинес энд одэ. бат вот импрес ми моуст ис зат зеу а вери прауд оф зе традишинс оф зеа кантри энд зеу фоллоу зем акьюретли.

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