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Complete the sentences with the irregular verbs in brackets.use the present perfect a.) to asia and africa. b./run)100 killometres c.)my leg d./swim)in a lake e.joe and /do)any extreme sports f.)a prize! g.)the rescue services h./write) a blog

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Ответы на вопрос:

a. sara has been to asia and africa.

b. we have never run 100 killometres.

c. i have cut my leg.

d. penny has never swum in a lake.

e. joe and harry haven't done any extreme sports.

f. you have won a prize!

g. they have seen the rescue services.

h. she hasn't written a blog.

3)how are you? 4)what are you doing? 5)do you speak english? 6)what day is it? 7)what time is it now? 8) what day of the week? 9)do you love him? 10) what will you eat today? 1) what's your name? 2) how old are you? 1)как тебя зовут? 2)сколько тебе лет? 3)как дела? 4)что ты делаешь? 5)ты говоришь по ? 6)какой сегодня день? 7)сколько сейчас времени? 8) какой сегодня день недели? 9)ты любишь его? 10) что ты будешь кушать сегодня?

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