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Can/could you hear me at the back? как

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Ответы на вопрос:

can you hear me at the back? - настоящее время.

could you hear me at the back? - прошедшее время или вежливая форма или условное наклонение.

Can you hear me at the back?

Detective:   who was the body found by? sam,  witness 1: well, it was found by miss miss punch, witness 2: no! the body was found by the dog first! detective:   was the window broken? witness 2: no, it wasn't broken, it was opened by someone. detective:   was anything stolen? witness 3, a maid: as far as i can see, some letters are gone! this morning they were put by me over there, next to the ink-pot. now they are not here. detective: thank you, miss.  was anybody noticed entering the library? sam,  witness 1: i'm afraid, nobody miss punch, witness 2: i saw the dog running this way. i think, it was being called by poor mr detective:   what was the victim killed with? witness 3, a maid: he was killed with a book, i miss punch, witness 2: to my mind, the victim was killed with the table. his head was sam,  witness 1: sorry, i have no detective:   had the body been moved before the police came?   everybody: no! it hadn't been  moved! detective:   was the library’s door locked? sam,  witness 1: the door was't locked, it was a bit closed.  detective:   was the dead man’s will changed? miss punch, witness 2: it is unknown, sir.

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