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1)the equipment (be) delivered tomorrow afternoon. 2)we already (take) the visitors to the lounge. 3)people (build) the bridge over 300 years ago. 4)there (be) an earthquake in japan last night. 5)they (talk) loudly when the teacher came into the room. поставьте глаголы в правильном времени

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)the equipment _will be__ (be) delivered tomorrow afternoon. 2)we have already _taken__ (take) the visitors to the lounge. 3)people (build) the bridge over 300 years ago. 4)there (be) an earthquake in japan last night. 5)they __were talking__ (talk) loudly when the teacher came into the room.

Sи es добавляется к глаголу только настоящем времени (present) (будь то continuous, то simple и т.д.) теперь эти окончания добавляются если в предложении используются местоимения 3 лица ед.ч. (he she it) s добавляется если слово оканчивается на согласную ,а es на гласную например: he goes at school every day; alisa has a lot of friend; a cat likes milk

Популярно: Английский язык