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Сконтрольной 1 .write this in english. пьесы шекспира; преданный друг; принимать гостей; жестокий герой; живы и здоровы; производить товар; билет на автобус; работать; билетер; охотно. 2. circle the appropriate words. 4 points 1.не educated all his children (alike/like). 2. (alike/ like) her mother, she is а very good singer. 3. i've got а sweater just (alike/ like) yours. 4 . please stop acting (alike/ like) а small child. 3. report the following questions in the past tenses. begin with i wondered 10 points a) how many acts are there in romeo and juliet’s play? b) did maria get my letter yesterday? c) то what theatre did they go in the first place? d) how can they watch so cruel film? e) why did you buy the tickets to the cinema yesterday? 4. complete the phrasal verbs in the following sentences using these words: . on, onto, out, up 4 points 1. the child was holding the sleeve of my coat while we were walking along the road. 2. "nice to meet you," he said and held his hand to me. 3. mary is next door; i'll call her if you can hold • 4. the man his identity card to the policeman. 5.fill 3 forms of the verbs 3 points buy, leave, say

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. shakespeare plays; loyal friend; receive guests; cruel hero; safe and sound или alive and well; produce goods; bus ticket; work; check-taker; willingly. 2. alike alike like like 3.(этот я не особо поняла и не знаю) 4. onto out on up 5.buy bought bought leave left left say said said

Sally told that she couldn't afford to buy that dress he told to her that he would buy a car if he had enough money 3 - уже косвенная jill told that it was the wonderful party the teacher said that oranges grew in hot countries he said that a lot of people visited museums the tour guide told us that не знаю bob told that he didn't like that jacket she said that she may be a little late that evening

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