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98 1) jack__ that he often went to see dick. a) said b)says c)tell 2) the alps are__ than the caucasus. a) high b)the highest c)higher 3) i wish i__ her yesterday. a) see b) had see c) have seen 4)the light__ on when it is night/ a) turn b) was turned c) is turned 5)you__ this work by next monday? a) will be doing b) will/have done c) will do 6)russian is__ than english. a) so difficult b) most difficult c) more difficult 7)the new cinema in our town is much__ the pld one/ a) then b) than c) as 8)the room__ cleaned every day. a) are b) is c) wil earth is a planet. a) the b) a c)- 10) i__ for you the whole nigt. a) have been looking b) will have been looking c) had been looking 11) if my friend had come to visit me, i__ very glad. a) should be b) should have been c) shall be 12) i__ a good meal since las friday. a) hasn't had b) haven't have c) haven't had

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1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. c

Are you sociable, initiative and creative person? and organizing interesting and exciting events is just for you? but you don't know how to start and how to work with lots of people? if it's exactly like that, i am going to help you right now!   first of all, if you want to be a cool organizator you have to clearly know what people want to get from the trip/outing/hike. ask them if they wish to relax, or maybe they want to walk till they are exhausted. so,get to know exactly people's aim for the trip.ask them as many questions as you find it nessasry for you to understand their wishings. don't think it's stupid, conversely it's wise! then, try to plan the day interesting for everyone, for the kids, women and men. make it an increadable trip by something unexpeted and funny. but safe and comfortable.plan the trip with all details. think of everything that might happen. always have an alternate scenario, better 2 of them.  be responsible and understanding. in that case you will be the best organisator ever : )

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