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Переведите предложения с на ( не пользуясь переводчиками ) 1) пока секретарша печатала документы, я разговаривал с главным инженером. 2) чем вы занимались в понедельник с восьми до десяти вечера? ответ : готовился к экзамену. 3) ты вчера был занят, не так ли? да, я писал статью. 4) вчера вечером мы были дома. я читал книгу весь вечер.моя жена смотрела телевизор, а дети играли в шахматы. 5) кто тебе перевести статью? я перевел её сам! 6) кто подписывал документы? вы сами их подписали.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)while the secretary was printing documents, i talked to the chief engineer.

2) what did you do on monday from eight to ten in the evening? answer: i was preparing for the exam.


you were busy yesterday, right?

yes, i wrote an article.


last night we were at home. i read the book all evening. my wife was watching tv, and the children were playing chess.

5)who helped you translate the article?

i translated it myself!

6)who signed the documents? you yourself signed them.

1) while the secretary was printing documents, i talked to the chief engineer.

2) what did you do on monday from eight to ten in the evening? answer: i was preparing for the exam.

3) you were busy yesterday, right?

yes, i wrote an article.

4) last night we were at home. i read the book all evening. my wife was watching tv, and the children were playing chess.

5) who helped you translate the article?

i translated it myself!

6) who signed the documents? you yourself signed them.

As you know we use uniform in our school. our form is classical. we wear white shirts and black skirts or white shirts and black trousers. also we can use black jackets.

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