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Пересказ от 3 лица на минимум 7 предложений they say that appearances are important. on the one hand, this is true, on the other, this is not quite right. a handsome man or a pretty woman can have very unpleasant traits of character and the opposite. however, there are exceptions, of course! i want to tell you about my sister, katya. in primary school she didn't look very pretty. she had freckles, red wavy hair and was wearing glasses. all this made her clumsy and shy. since that time her appearance has changed very much, but her character has remained the same. she has grown up into a very pretty girl. she is of a medium height, slender and well- proportioned. her hair has got darker into a chestnut shade. she wears it long to her shoulders. her face has soft features, her freckles have disappeared, but her complexion remains pale as before. instead of glasses she wears contact lenses, which allow her sparkling hazel-green eyes to shine. she has a small straight nose and a rather wide mouth but her enchanting smile shows her white teeth and makes her face look charming. no one can say that her gestures are clumsy any more. katya has nice manners. she is sincere, polite and helpful. she is not easily angered or bad-tempered. her childhood experience has taught her to be patient and not to show off. she has still remained a bit withdrawn in some situations but she is good-natured, tolerant and sensitive to other people’s needs. she is always ready to help. these are the qualities of her character which i like. she does fairly well at the university. she is bright, attentive and keen on learning new things. she tries hard to get good marks but sometimes her hobbies are more important for her than school. katya likes house chores and is not lazy at all. unlike me, she always has her room clean because she does not mind helping her mother about the flat. apart from that, like other girls of her age, she likes dancing, playing the guitar, and listening to modern music. we spend quite a lot of time together. she understands my problems and i can rely upon her. we have the same view on things and even if we argue we always find a compromise. although she has her faults, nobody is perfect.

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терпеливой и не выпендриваться. в некоторых ситуациях она все еще остается немного замкнутой, но добродушной, терпимой и чувствительной к других людей. она всегда готова . эти качества ее характера, которые мне нравятся.

она неплохо учится в университете. она яркая, внимательная и увлеченная изучением нового. она изо всех сил старается получить хорошие оценки, но иногда ее хобби более важны для нее, чем школа.

катя любит дела и совсем не ленится. в отличие от меня, у нее всегда чистая комната, потому что она не против маме с квартирой. кроме того, как и другие девушки ее возраста, она любит танцевать, играть на гитаре, и слушать современную музыку.

мы проводим довольно много времени вместе. она понимает мои проблемы, и я могу на нее положиться. у нас одинаковый взгляд на вещи и даже если мы спорим, мы всегда находим компромисс. хотя у нее есть свои недостатки, никто не идеален.

Schools in england are not the same as in our country. children begin to go to school when they are five years old. from five to seven they are in infant schools an infant school is like a kindergarten. the children draw and paint, they sing and listen to stories which the teacher reads to them. they also play games. in these schools they begin to learn to read and write. from seven to eleven children in england go to a junior school. here they all learn to read and write and do mathematics. from eleven to sixteen boys and girls in england go to a secondary school. they begin to learn in form one. the sixth form is the last form in this school. they have many subjects in their time-table. in england schoolchildren do not go to schools on saturdays and sundays.

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