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Перевести без переводчика на если говорить просто, то картина рассказывает о ревности первого ребенка ко второму. в семье появляется младший сын, и первенец тим начинает считать его своим конкурентом и пытается показать родителям, что малыш не так хорош и безобиден, как кажется со стороны. но на этой идее сценаристы не останавливаются. младенец и вправду оказывается весьма непрост – он тайный агент некой фирмы babycorp, чья специализация — производство детей. он должен остановить фрэнсиса фрэнсиса — директора корпорации puppyco, пытающегося вывести породу "вечного щенка" и подчинить ему любовь всего мира. сначала мальчики не ладят, но, узнав правду, старший брат начинает младшему, а заканчивается все тем, что, когда мир оказывается спасен и загадочный юный тайный агент пропадает, тим понимает, что соскучился и в качестве вознаграждения получает уже настоящего младшего брата.

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Speaking very simply, the picture tells about the jealousy of the first child to the second. the youngest son appears in the family, and firstborn tim begins to consider him to be his competitor and tries to show his parents that the baby is not as good and harmless as it seems from the outside. but on this idea, the writers do not stop. the baby really turns out to be quite difficult - he is a secret agent of a certain babycorp company, whose specialty is the production of children. he must stop francis francis, director of the puppyco corporation, trying to breed the "eternal puppy"and subject him to the love of the whole world. at first, the boys do not get along, but, having learned the truth, the elder brother begins to help the younger one, and ends up with the fact that when the world is saved and the mysterious young secret agent disappears, tim realizes that he missed and already receives a real younger brother as a reward.

Speaking very simply, the picture tells about the jealousy of the first child to the second. the youngest son appears in the family, and the firstborn tim begins to consider him to be his competitor and tries to show his parents that the baby is not as good and harmless as it seems from the outside. but on this idea, the writers do not stop. the baby really turns out to be quite difficult - he is a secret agent of a certain babycorp company, whose specialty is the production of children. he must stop francis francis, director of the puppyco corporation, who is trying to breed the "eternal puppy" and subdue the love of the whole world. at first, the boys do not get along, but, having learned the truth, the elder brother begins to help the younger one, and ends up with the fact that when the world is saved and the mysterious young secret agent disappears, tim realizes that he missed and already receives a real younger brother as a reward.

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