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Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните participle i и установите функции (определение, обстоятельство, часть сказуемого). переведите предложения. 1. having improved this sort of wheat, our farm has got a rich yield. 2. fertilizers containing carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium, molybdenum, manganese and iron are called minor nutrients. 3. the work of the farmers is increasing agricultural production and adding to the economic power of the country.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)улучшив этот сорт пшеницы, наша ферма получила богатый урожай 2)удобрения, содержащие углерод, кислород, водород, кальций, натрий, молибден, марганец и железо называются второстепенными питательными веществами. 3)работа фермеров увеличивает сельскохозяйственное производство и добавляет к мощь страны.

My dream is to fly to mars. i would fly with my best friends, it's so fun. would have taken a camera that would take a picture and show everyone where i was! mars i want to see the alien and get to know them. they can me tell me all about mars. and then we all will tell you that you have learnt. tell teachers even. sometimes when i sleep i dream that we're on mars. even sometimes imagine. would i be an flown over the entire earth! i want all your dreams come true!

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