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Мне надо сделать пересказ. текст: the united kingdom of great britan and northern ireland (the uk) is the official name of the state which is situated in the british isles. the "united kingdom", or the "uk" includea northern ireland. it consists of four countries which are enhland and wales and nortchrn ireland. their capitail are london,edinburgh, cardiff and belfast. the uk is an island state. more than 56 million people live in britan. as you know, the flag of the united kingdom is known as the unin jack. it is made up of cresses: the cross of st.george(the patron saint of the cross of st.andrew (the patron saint of scotland) and the cross of st.patrick (the patron saint of ireland)

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the united kingdom of great britain is the official name of the state, which is located on the british isles.

"great britain" includes northern ireland. it consists of four countries which are england and wales and northern ireland.

their capitail are london,edinburgh, cardiff and belfast.

great britain is an island country.  

more than 56 million people live in britain.

as you know, the flag of the united kingdom is known as unin jack. it consists of crosses: cross of st. george, cross of st. andrew and cross of st. patrick.


1. Present Perfect Continuous

• Употребляется для обозначения действия, которое началось в и сейчас еще продолжается (или уже закончилось к моменту разговора):

«Когда я вернулся домой в 3 часа ночи, она уже давно стояла у порога двери с подготовленной по этому случаю сковородой».

• Маркеры: for, since, by.

• Утвердительная форма образуется с have/has been + основной глагол с окончанием –ing:

She has been waiting for me since 11 p.m.

• Отрицательная форма: have/has + not + been + глагол с –ing.

They have not been eating for 6 hours.

2. Past Perfect Continuous

• Употребляется для обозначения действия, которое прекратилось к определенному моменту в или завершилось до наступления более позднего действия в :

«Он учился лет 20 перед тем, как встретил ее и решил жениться».

• Маркеры: by, for, still.

• Утвердительная форма: had been+ глагол  –ing.

His hands were dirty as he had been working for 2 hours.

• Отрицательная форма: had+not+been+ глагол  –ing.

They had not been playing since yesterday.

• Вопросительная форма: Had he been working?

3. Future Perfect Continuous

• Обозначает действие, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем:

«Вот когда я доеду до дома, вы уже не будете так веселиться».

• Маркеры: for, by, until.

• Утвердительная форма: will/shall + have been + глагол с –ing.

I will have been looking at you until you decide to give me a smile.

• Отрицательная форма: will/shall + not + have been + глагол с –ing.

She will not have been waiting for him up to morning.

• Вопросительная форма: Will you have been working?

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