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i like to go to the cinema very much and i like to watch different films. my favourite genres are comedies and melodramas, but also i like fantasy.

i like different kinds of films, because each of them is very interesting and impresses me.

i like comedies because they make me laugh. some of them are «dad is 17 again» , «just go with it», «hitch». they are family films.

melodramas are sad films. such films excite people. i usually cry when i watch melodramas. some of them are «a walk to remember», «if only», «remember me».

but my favorite film is «harry potter. i like all parts of this film. i think that it is the best one and all children and adults love harry.

there are many computer drawings and special effects in this film.

«harry potter» is a very interesting fantasy novel about magicians. but we can see friendship and love in it.

i can watch «harry potter» again and again. i watched each of eight films with great interest.

this film teaches us much, i advice all people to watch it.

My favourite film is a science fiction trilogy the matrix. the first part was shot in 1999, the second and the third – in 2003. i like this movie because it is dynamic, captivating and deeply philosophical at the same time. in my opinion, any good movie should be a combination of a touching story, bright visualization and clever ideas. the matrix is a cyberpunk story. the setting is the future where intelligent machines have enslaved the humanity. people are held on gigantic plantations and are used as a source of energy. they cannot fight against their enslavers because they are connected to a virtual reality called the matrix. перевод мой любимый фильм – научно-фантастическая трилогия «матрица». первую часть сняли в 1999 году, вторую и третью – в 2003. мне нравится этот фильм, потому что он динамичный, захватывающий и в то же время глубокомысленный. на мой взгляд, любой хороший фильм должен сочетать в себе трогательную , яркую визуализацию и умные идеи. «матрица» – это в жанре «киберпанк». действие разворачивается в будущем, где разумные машины поработили человечество. люди содержатся на гигантских плантациях и используются как источник энергии. они не могут бороться со своими поработителями, потому что подсоединены к виртуальной реальности под названием «матрица».

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