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Read the text and mark the statements truo (t), falso (f), not stated (ns). winston churchill got up at 7: 30 and stayed in bed until 11: 00, then he ate breakfast, read several newspapers, the mail and dictated to his secret- tarios. when ho finally got out of bod, he took a bath, took a walk around the garden, and then sottlod in to work, at 1 00 p. m, he jolned guests and family for a three-course lunch. lunch lasted until 3: 30, after which he re- turned to his study to work, or supervised work on his estate, or played cards or backgammon with his wite clementine. at 5: 00 he napped for an hour and a half, took a bath again and got ready for dinner. dinner was the highlight of his day, with much socializing, that sometimes went past midnight. table talk, dominated by churchill, was as important as the meal. after his guests loft, he worked for another hour or so before going to bed. 1. winston churchill preferred early breakfast. 2. winston churchill was a famous politician. 3. after a walk churchill sat down to work. 4. at lunch churchill's family often had guests. 5. lunch usually lasted two hours and a half. 6. after lunch churchill had a walk and played tennis. 7. churchill played different games with his wife. 8. during the daytime churchill had a sleep. 9. churchill preferred to go to bed early. 10. churchill liked socializing and was a good talker.

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2. not stated

3. t

4. not stated

5. not dtated

6. f


8. not stated

9.not stated

10. not stated

Дорогие мама и папа, я провожу хорошее время! мы играем в футбол день и ночь. мы принимаем участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях и ето действительно круто! я научился играть в много новых игр.этот лагерь является лучшим лагерем в мире! дети дружат и хорошо! я сделал много интересного здесь! я собираюсь приехать сюда снова в следующем году. скажи эшли. люблю, энди

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