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Поставьте предложение в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. дайте краткие ответы: да или нет 1. these books are interesting. 2. her flat will be in a new house. 3. their work was good. 4. the new house is in this street.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. these books aren't interesting. are these books interesting? yes, they are/ no, they aren't 2.her  flat  won't be  in  a  new  house. will her  flat be  in  a  new  house? yes, it will/ no, it won't 3. their  work  wasn't good. was their work good? yes, it was/ no, it wasn't4. the  new  house  isn't in  this  street. is the new house in this street? yes, it is/ no, it isn't

1.  these  books  are not  interesting. are these book  interesting? 2.  her  flat  will not  be  in  a  new  house. will her flat be 3.  their  work  was not good. was their 4.  the  new  house  is not  in  this  street. is the new house

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