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Мне . письмо другу на тему: друг поругался с другом , нужно его успокоить и дать советы. на .

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hello michael,

    thanks for your last letter that i received the day before yesterday. you wrote that you had quarrelled with your old friend, and now you`re feeling as if you were wrong when you accused your friend of something. you also wrote that you haven`t slept well since that day and you have been feeling as guilt is gnawing your heart.

      i don`t know which of you was right in the situation that led to argument. but you know i faced a situation like this before. i had a terrible quarrel with my school friend and then i didn`t know how to resume our relationships. then i realized that the first thing i had to do is to calm down my own nerves. when i did, i found a couple of ways for dealing with that issue. i chose to phone my friend and explain in a polite, soft manner what i meant when i was arguing with him yesterday. i clarified why i had gotten so irritable and why his words seemed to me so abusive.

      as i was done, i felt much better and my friend also recognised that he felt relieved after listening to my arguments. i apologised for my improper behaviour and he did the same. so, it was all decided so quickly!

      here goes my advice, - don`t waste your time, just call him and try to tell him how sorry you are and believe me you and him will definitely find ways to sort out this problem.

        yours sincerely,                                             dennis

как звать друга будет напишу ща?

I`ll do it when i   finish to eat. i shall bring them as soon as i buy  them. our parents, who  are very old, live here. i shall do it when i finish this letter. cars which  are expensive are usually fast. what a beautiful valley! this man that (who)  is my neighbour has caused the accident.

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