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Напишите 12 вопросов (на )к тексту который дан ниже на языке.вопросы для 9 класса по россии. mr. priestley : you are getting neat the end of your year`s work now and i think we want something rather different for our last lesson or two. now suppose one or two of you give a short talk, or tell a little story or describe an adventure that happened to you. you can choose whatever you like ; i want you to talk to other students for about four or five minutes and then i will tell you what mistakes you made -- if there were any -- in grammar or construction or pronunciation. now who will speak to us at tomorrow`s lesson? you will, frieda? that`s very good. frieda : i don`t suppose i shall do it very well, but i could tell you about a little adventure that happened just after i came to england. hob : oh! i can tell you of something that happened to me the first day i came to england. olaf : a funny family named wiggins lives next door to me. there`s mr. wiggins, a little fellow who get blamed for everything; there`s mrs. wiggins who does all the blaming ; there`s young timothy wiggins, and last, but not least there are grandma and grandpa, mrs. wiggins parents. i`ve written a little play about them. could i read that to you? mr. priestley : that sounds splendid. so, at tomorrow`s lesson frieda can tell her adventure , the next day we will have olaf`s play, and then, the day after that, hob will give us his story.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mr. priestly is a teacher, isn't he? (мистер пристли - учитель, не правда ли? )

2. does he teach foreign students? (он обучает студентов-иностранцев? )

3. what task did mr. priestly give to his students? (какое дал м-р пристли своим студентам? )

4. should the students talk for five or ten minutes? (должны ли студенты говорить пять или десять минут? )

5. who will speak to them at tomorrow's lesson? (кто будет выступать с сообщением на завтрашнем уроке? )

6. what is frieda going to tell about? (о чем собирается расскзать фрида? )

7. who is going to tell about the wiggings? (кто собирается рассказывать о семье виггингс? )

8. how many members are there in the wiggings family? (сколько человек в семье виггингс? )

9. who gets blamed for everything? (кого во всем винят? )

10. whose parents are grandma and grandpa? (чьи родители бабуля и дедуля? )

11. has olaf written a play or a novel? (олаф написал пьесу или роман? )

12. hob will tell of something that happened to him the first day he came to england, won't he? (хоб расскажет о том, что случилось с ним в первый день его приезда в , не так ли? )

1 c

2 a

3 b

4 e

5 d

6 f

Почему то 2 раза dishwasher

1 wouldn't be, didn't run

2 would stay,were(was)

3 didn't eat, wouldn't get

4 were, would wear

5 had, would feel

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