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Fill in the correct word. chat show, interview, horoscope, tv guide, documentaries, cartoon strips, interesting articles 1. madonna spoke about her forthcoming (предстоящем) tour in the . 2. what’s on tonight? – i don’t know. let’s have a look at the . 3. nancy is fond of . 4. what’s your favourite page in a newspaper? – a daily . 5. what’s your mom doing? – she’s watching her favourite 6. i was watching a when sarah phoned. 7. i like reading the newspapers for all its b match 8. interesting wildlife a message 9. international b interview 10. listen to c show 11. chat d documentary 12. weather e news 13. text f report 14. fashion and beauty g programme 15. police h advice 16. sports i drama c fill in the gaps with off, with, on: go… . it’s interesting to listen to. that dress goes well… your eyes. we must use these cakes soon before they go… her alarm clock went… at nine o’clock d put the verbs in the past continuous: i (watch) a cartoon when sarah phoned. at 5.30 last afternoon we (have) dinner. 20. when she got up her mother (make) breakfast. what (to be) tom (do) when you saw him? when i looked out of the window it (not snow) e put the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous: mary (drive) to london when i phoned her. jane (do) her homework while mary was watching tv. steve got dressed, (do) the washing up and then went to work. the detective asked, “what (you/do) at the time of the robbery? ” we (go) on holiday in july. f read the text and answer the questions. sun shines on fun run on 12th june, a ‘fun run ‘took place in the town of sunnyfield. a group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part. luckily, it was a sunny day. everyone had fun running, walking or skate-boarding the 10-mile distance. thanks the event, 2,346$ was raised for the charity ‘cancer care’. suzie hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “we wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.” the local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar. who planned the event? how many people took part? what was the weather like during the ‘run’? how far did they have to do? what happened as result of the event? g listen to the reports. number them in the order you hear them. e.g. new technology 1 36. a rescue … 37. a new shopping centre … 38. school meals … 39. a bank robbery … 40. a sports event …

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. madonna spoke about her forthcoming (предстоящем) tour in the interview.

2. what’s on tonight? – i don’t know. let’s have a look at the tv guide .

3. nancy is fond of cartoon strips .

4. what’s your favourite page in a newspaper? – a daily horoscope .

5. what’s your mom doing? – she’s watching her favourite documentaries.

6. i was watching a chat show when sarah phoned.

7. i like reading the newspapers for all its interesting articles.

b match

8. interesting wildlife documentary                      

9. international news

10. listen to drama                                        

11. chat show                                            

12. weather report                                        

13. text message                                            

14. fashion and beauty advice                    

15. police report                                          

16. sports programme  

c fill in the gaps with off, with, on:

go on . it’s interesting to listen to.

that dress goes well with your eyes.

we must use these cakes soon before they go off.

her alarm clock went off at nine o’clock

d put the verbs in the past continuous:

i was watching a cartoon when sarah phoned.

at 5.30 last afternoon we were having dinner.

20. when she got up her mother was making breakfast.

what was tom doing when you saw him?

when i looked out of the window it wasn't snowing.

e put the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous:

mary was driving to london when i phoned her.

jane was doing her homework while mary was watching tv.

steve got dressed, did the washing up and then went to work.

the detective asked, “what were you doing at the time of the robbery? ”

we went on holiday in july.

f read the text and answer the questions.

sun shines on fun run

on 12th june, a ‘fun run ‘took place in the town of sunnyfield. a group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.

luckily, it was a sunny day. everyone had fun running, walking or skate-boarding the 10-mile distance. thanks the event, 2,346$ was raised for the charity ‘cancer care’.

suzie hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “we wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”

the local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar.

who planned the event?

a group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school planned it.

how many people took part?

over 500 people of all ages took part.

what was the weather like during the ‘run’?

it was sunny.

how far did they have to do?

they had to do the 10-mile distance.

what happened as result of the event?

the local headmaster decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar.

Nowadays it is hard to imagine our lives without computers. almost in any field they are used. but is it safe to use them? on one hand computers are a great source of information. any news first come to the internet. there we can find any information we need. the other important thing is that internet keeps us in touch with our friend and relatives. no matter how far they are we can see them and talk to them any time using such programs as skype. then comes education. in this field computers help us as well. to prepare a report or simply get ready for your class you well use a computer too. all of these things are definitely advantages of computers and internet. but on the other hand don't you think that we get lonely ? when you don't need to meet a friend somewhere in a caffe because you can text him or her. the real communication can be replaced by the virtual. that is sad but that what really happens. then of course the health damage comes. especially for kids. they spend hours in front of the computers playing games. that is not healthy at all. surely using computers has its cons and pros. we should be reasonable in it. in my opinion more than enough is too much.

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