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Переведите на с герундием 1.он настаивал на том, чтобы мы друг другу руки 2.он отрицал, что ему прислали то письмо месяц назад 3.мальчик все ещё был голоден, не смотря на то, что съел большую тарелку супа 4. мы высоко ценим то что вы нам

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. he insisted on our shaking hands with each other.

2. he denied having been sent the letter a month before.

3. the boy was still hungry, despite having eaten a large bowl of soup

4. we appreciate you helping us.

1 Did you like the film?

2 How many people did you ask?

3 Did they have a good time?

4 What did we do at the weekend?

5 Where did she buy that DVD?

6 Did he go to your party on Saturday?

7 Who did you see yesterday?


1 Did he go to school yesterday?

2 Why did you go home early?

3 Where did you learn English?

4 Did she work today?

5 What did you do yesterday?

6 Did they phone you last night?

Популярно: Английский язык