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Перевести на . 40 . в случае перевода через переводчик - . давайте честно 1. он тренирует эту команду всего полгода, но они сделали большие успехи. 2. кто взял мой словарь? я его вчера здесь на полке оставила. 3. он посмотрел на меня и ничего не сказал. он ждал кого-то. 4. они спорят уже полчаса, и я потеряла всякий интерес. 5. почему ты с ней так разговаривал? 6. вы давно его знаете? 7. давно вы меня ждете? 8. когда вы начали изучать язык? 9. у тебя руки красные. что ты делала? - я чистила свеклу. 10. он уехал на прошлой неделе. 11. он подошел к окну, открыл его и кому-то рукой. 12. мы ждем здесь с двух часов, и никто не сказал нам, что делать. 13. боюсь, что она передумала. она мне ничего не сказала, когда я видела ее в последний раз.

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Ответы на вопрос:

he has been training this team for only half a year, but they have made great progress. 2. who

took my dictionary? i left it here on the shelf yesterday. 3. he looked at me and

said nothing. he was waiting for someone. 4. they have been arguing for half an hour, and i lost everyone

interest. 5. why did you talk to her like that? 6. have you known him for a long time? 7. how long have you been

waiting for me? 8. when did you start learning english? 9. your hands are red.

what were you doing? - i cleaned the beets. 10. he left last week. 11. he came up

to the window, opened it and waved to someone. 12. we have been waiting here since two o'clock, and no one

did not tell us what to do. 13. i'm afraid she changed her mind. she didn't tell me anything

when i saw her last.

1. he trains this team only six months, but they made great progress. 2. who

got my dictionary? i left it here on the shelf yesterday. 3. he looked at me and

say nothing. he was waiting for someone. 4. they've been arguing for half an hour, and i've lost everything.

interest. 5. why did you talk to her like that? 6. have you known him long? 7. long have you

waiting for me? 8. when did you start learning english? 9. your hands are red.

you did what?   i was cleaning beets. 10. he left last week. 11. he came up

to the window, opened it, and waved to someone hands. 12. we've been waiting here since two o'clock, and no one

didn't tell us what to do. 13. i'm afraid she's changed her mind. she didn't tell me anything.,

the last time i saw her.

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