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Переведите текст яживу в деревне наратлык.у меня просторный и уютный дом.в нашем доме 7 комнат считая 2 веранды .моя комната просторная в моей комноте есть деревянный стол там я делаю уроки а ещё есть полка на катором хранятся мои одежды и кроме шкафоф у меня есть мебель.в соседней камнате тоисть мамы с папой есть шкаф на катором мы вешаем куртки и платья.но ещё там есть большая кровать и столик где крашутся мама с сестрои .в кухни у нас есть разные приборы каторые делать маме работы па дому но нетолько электронные приборы но и ещё и я .в зале есть новая мебель и стенки есть не большая полка где стоит телевизор .веранды небольшие но есть малнькая и нормальная на маленькой мы храним морозильник.на болшой у нас стоит диван когда бывает лето мы с семьёй там отдыхаем

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4,5(56 оценок)

На ,что ли? i live in a village naratlyk. i have a very spacious and comfortable house. in our house there are 7 rooms, counting 2 verandas. there is furniture. in the next room, mom and dad have a wardrobe. we hang up jackets and dresses in the cabinet. but there is also a big bed and a table where mom and sister are painted. electronic devices but also me. in the hall there is a new furniture and walls there is not a big shelf where there is a tv. verandas are small, but there is a small and normal one.

Ilive in the village of naratlyk. i have a very spacious and comfortable house. in our house there are 7 rooms counting 2 verandas. my room is very spacious in my room there is a wooden table there i do my homework and there is also a shelf on which i store my clothes and i have furniture.in the next room, mom and dad have a wardrobe and we hang up jackets and dresses. but there is also a big bed and a table where mom and sister are painted. in the kitchen, we have different appliances that help mom to work at home, but not only electronic devices and i also. in the hall there is a new furniture and there is a small shelf where there is a tv. the verandas are small but there is little and normal. we keep a freezer on a small one. on the big one we have a sofa when we have summer, we have a rest there

Every day l spend a lot of time with my family (or: i do housework, i go to the gym, i go shopping, walk with my in the evenings my family and l read magazines and watch news on tv. i play football with my friends every day at school.   i  often ride a bike  with my friends. i do housework  on sundays. on saturdays i go to the swimming pool at school i like to learn english. i  sometimes make dinner with my mother.

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