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1. it is difficult to name all … entertainment possibilities in …usa. a) -, a b) -, an c) d) an, a e) the, the 2. we are going to … cinema on … saturday. a) b) the, a c) a, the d) the, the e) the, - 3… windows let in … and …air. a) the ,a ,a b) a, the, an c) -, a, the d) an, a e) the, the 4. ann said the porridge … (to cook) by her mother. a) had cooked b) was being cook c) was cooket d) have been cooked e) had been cooked 5. we were told that the bus … fifteen minutes later. a) had been arriving b) would arrive c) would be arriving d) has arrived e) will arrive 6. i was sure that they … that problem the next day. a) will discuss b) has discussed c) would discuss d) would discussing e) won’t discuss 7. it … two days ago. a) have snow b) snowed c) has snowed d) snow e) will snow 8. we … our things the whole day yesterday. a) am packing b) was packing c) were packing d) are packing e) packing 9. omar … the work of two people. a) done b) doing c) have done d) do e) has done 10. who turned … the page of my book? a) over b) up c) off d) behind e)- прошу

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1-c 2-e 3-b 4-b 5-c 6-a 7-d 8-e 9-a 10-c








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