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Write the verbs in the past form want-wanted have-had

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ask-asked take-took see-saw like-liked stop-stoped is-was run -ran

Ask-asked see-saw stop-stoped run-ran take-taked like-liked is-was/were : )

1.do sam and stiven have got an active hobby? 2.what do  sam and stive have got? 3. do sam and stiven have got an active hobby or inactive hobby? 4. sam and stiven have got an active hobby,dont they? 5.who has got an active hobby. 1. is david becham very fat? 2.what is david bacham? 3.   is david becham very fat or strong? 4. david becham is very fat,isnt he? 5.who is very fat? 1.havent we seen harry potter yet? 2.what havent  we seen  yet? 3.havent we seen harry potter or c inderella? 4. we haven'r seen harry potter yet,have we? 5.who hasnt seen  harry potter yet?

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