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Ответы на вопрос:

Due to the fact, that i don't have my own room, i have dreamed about it since my childhood. an ideal room for me should be very big and comfortable. at first, i want it to be atmospheric. i would have a large bed with a lot of pillows. secondly, there would be one big tv in my room. so i could watch my favourite films on it. also i need a comfortable table for doing my homework. and of course two cupboards, one for my clothes and other for books. there must be a big window with amazing view. as for decorating, there would be a lot of pictures on the wall. hope, oneday my dream would become a reality.

boil water to make tea

chop an onion into pieces

grill sausages over the fire

toast bread to make toast

grate cheese for spaghetti

roast a chicken for dinner

mash a banana for the baby

fry a fish in a pan

dice tomatoes for salad

slice ham for sandwiches

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