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Am/ is/ are. напишите правдивые (утвердительные или отрицательные) предложения о себе. 1) (scared of snakes) : im scared of snakes или im not scared of snakes 2) (tired) 3) (in a hurry) 4) (scared of dogs) 5) (well) 6) (interested id history) 7) (married)

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Ответы на вопрос:

i am tired or i am not tired

i am in a hurry

i am not scared of dogs

i am well

i am not interested in history

i am not married

2) (i'm tired)

3) (i'm not in a hurry)

4) (i'm not scared of dogs)

5) (i'm well)

6) (i'm not interested in history)

7) (i'm not married)

Hello,kevin! i received a letter from you, and there you ask me some questions. there are answers for them. i am (пищишь свой возраст,в моём случае-13) years old. i like summer,because it is hot and sunny! i usually play with my friends or walk with them. ok,and some questions for you, how old are you and what do you like doing in your free time? write back soon! best wishes, (пишешь своё имя)

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