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Ответы на вопрос:

the history of old glory goes back to early colonial days, doesn’t it? разделительный

does the history of old glory go back to early colonial days? общий

what goes back to early colonial days? вопрос к подлежащему

does the history of old glory or union jack go back to early colonial days? альтернативный

when does the history of old glory go back to? специальный

In, for, back, of, to, over ,into 1. never talk.to..to your grandparents. 2. classes are.over.. you are free. 3. what's your mark. for..the french test? whats his ? 4. i don't know what happened.to..him in africa. 5. i'll pay.for..your lunch. 6. we are afraid.of..being late. 7. jason made 3 mistakes.in..spelling. 8. we are having an examination.for..him. 9. his parents want to give university education.to..him. 10. are you sure.of..this fact? 11. grace talked me.into..buying these felt - tips. she liked them very much. 12. do you often write.to..your aunts and uncles?  

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