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Вставьте пропущенное слово: hamburgers became a favourite in the united states. their popularity had grown more when they were bought by who preferred fast food to family meals. 1) bakers 2) teenagers 3) shop assistances не могу понять, 1 здесь или 2, подходят оба вроде.

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Ответы на вопрос:

hamburgers became a favourite in the united states. their popularity had grown more when they were bought by teenagers who preferred fast food to family meals.

bakers-пекари teenagers-подростки

если перевести,то 2-й вариант самый подходящий.смотри:

гамбургеры стали фаворитом в соединенных штатах.их популярность выросла больше,когда они были куплены подростками,которые предпочли фаст-фуд семейной еде.

a new theatre was built in our district.

the books must be returned to the library on monday.

the old bridge was being reconstructed then.

at the english lesson, every sentence is repeated after the teacher by them.

last sunday we were invited by him to a concert.

nice flowers were sent to her by her friend. или she was sent nice flowers by her friend.

every mistake is corrected by the teacher.

the parcels have been sent by her today.

their baby is usually left with us when they go out.

our things for the journey had already been packed by the time he came.

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