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What industrial practices and accidents harm the environment? ответить на вопрос

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Ответы на вопрос:

any form of pollution that can trace its immediate source to industrial practices is known as industrial pollution. most of the pollution on the planet can be traced back to industries of some kind.

1. Do we usually come home at 6 o'clock?

We usually come home at 6 o' clock, don't we?

We usually don't come home at 6 o'clock.

2. Were they  given some very interesting book?

They were given some  very interesting books, weren't they?

They were not given some  very interesting books

3. Does  he always write with a red pen?

He always writes with a red pen, doesn't he?

He always doesn't  write with a red pen

4. Does he visit  his friends every day?

He visits  his friends every day, doesn't he?

He doesn't  visit  his friends every day

5. Was the child  asked a lot of questions?

The child was asked a lot of questions, wasn't he\she?

The child was not  asked a lot of questions

6. Will the  picture  be brought in some days?

The  picture will be brought in some days, won't it?

The  picture won't be brought in some days

7. Shall I leave for Moscow in 2  days?

 I shall leave for Moscow in 2  days, shan't I?

I shan't  leave for Moscow in 2  days

8. Did he go away on business last month?

He went away on business last month, didn't he?

He didn't  go on business last month

9. Is this work  always  done by him?

This work is always  done by him, isn't it?

This work is not always  done by him

10. Did she grow flowers in the garden last summer?

She grew flowers in the garden last summer, didn't she?

She didn't grow flowers in the garden last summer

11. Shall we   visit him next week?

We  shall visit him next week, shan't we?

We  shan't visit him next week

12. Is the news  much spoken about?

The news is much spoken about, isn't it?

The news isn't much spoken about

13.  Will the cafe  be closed at 6 o'clock?

The cafe will be closed at 6 o'clock, won't it?

The cafe won't be closed at 6 o'clock

14. Were business letters  written by  him?

Business letters were written by  him, weren't they?

Business letters weren't written by  him

15. Is  the office  visited by many clients every day?

The office is visited by many clients every day, isn't it?

The office isn't visited by many clients every day

16. Will new words  will be learned by the students?

New words  will be learned by the students, won't they?

New words  won't be learned by the students

17. Shall  I  read this text tomorrow?

I shall read this text tomorrow, shan't I?

I shan't read this text tomorrow

18. Did they always laugh at him at school?

They always laughed at him at school, didn't they?

They didn't always laugh at him at school


Популярно: Английский язык