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)глагол to have в настоящем иили прошедшем времени: 1. excuse me, have you got a pen i could borrow? 2. why are you holding your face like that? a toothache? 3. a bicycle when you were a child. 4. " the time, please? " "yes, it's ten past seven." 5. when you did the exam, time to answer all the questions. 6. i need a stamp for this letter. one? 7. "it started to rain while i was walking home." "did it? an umbrella? "

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Ответы на вопрос:

2)have 3)had been 5) had you been 6)have7)had you 

Моё хобби интересное люблю рыбачить рыбачить интересно и конечно долго хобби-это то что мы делаем в свободное время и моё хобби оригинальное my hobby is a very interesting love fishing fishing is very interesting and certainly very long hobby is something that we do in my free time and hobbies original

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