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16.6. заполните пропуски, выбрав из предложенных вариантов: 1. there’s too violence in the world. a) much; b) many. 2. i think there are too soap operas on tv. a) much; b) many. 3. there isn’ in the fridge. a) much; b) many. 4. how money is in the wallet? a) much; b) many. 5. there are too people on the bus. a) much; b) many. 6. how are the pens? a) many; b) much. 7. how apples do we need for a cake? a) much; b) many. 8. how children has she got? a) much; b) many. 9. she hasn’t got washing powder. a) much; b) many; c) a lot of. 10. she hasn’t got books in her library. a) much; b) many; c) a lot of. 11. have you got friends? a) many; b) much; c) a lot of. 12. there are people in the room. a) much; b) a little; c) a lot of. 13. can i have sugar, please? a) a few; b) a little; c) little. 14. how oranges are there on the table? a) many; b) a few; c) much. 15. how money has fred got? a) many; b) little; c) much. 16. there are monkeys in the zoo. a) much; b) a few; c) a little. 17. there are chairs in the room. a) a little; b) much; c) a few.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. c

11.   a

12. c

13. b

14. a

15. a

16. b

17. c

1. much 2. many 3. much 4. much 5. many 6. much 7. many 8. many 9. much 10.many 11. a lot of 12. a lot of 13. a little 14. many 15.much 16. a few 17. a few

2. the street party is a popular form of (1) celebration in britain. whole streets come together to mark such important (2) national occasions as a new millennium. clearly it is (3) impossible to hold a party in a busy street, so traffic is banned. this may annoy motorists but it is (4) un avoidable. street parties need the (5) involvement of as many people as possible. they (6) en able people who live in cities to unite as a community just as they would in a (7) traditional small village or town. street parties are simple, (8) uncomplicated affairs, which involve a great deal of eating, drinking, dancing and general (9) enjoyments. there should be games so that small children do not get bored and (10) dis behaving. there should also be plenty of good music to (11) en courage the teenagers to stand around.3. malaria is one of the most common (1) infectious diseases in the world. so far the only kind of (2) prevention implemented by the affected countries has been distributing mosquito nets and basic medicines. (3) s cientists and doctors have been working on a malaria vaccine for many years. however, although all vaccines produced so far have shown good results on monkeys their (4) effectiveness in tests on humans was far less (5) impressing. research on the malaria vaccine arouses (6) considerable interest in african, asian, and south american countries, where malaria is (7) economically a most dangerous disease causing (8) patients' loss of life and (9) economic problems. everybody is then (10) patiently waiting for good news about (11) successful trails of a new medicine as the future costs of malaria spreading are indeed (12) unpredictable.

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