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Перепишите предложения, используя нужные формы степеней сравнения прилагательных. вставьте нужный артикль, если необходимо. переведите предложения на язык. 1. the british museum is famous for its library, which has one of collections of books in the world (important). 2. the english channel, at its part, the strait of dover, is 32 kilometers wide (narrow). 3. the world's countries are vatican city, in italy, and monaco, which is situated in the south of france (small). both of them are than a small collective farm (small). 4. holland is famous for her tulips. holland has tulips than any other country, and her tulips are in the world (many; fine).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the british museum is famous for its library, which has one of the most important collections of books in the world (important). 2. the english channel, at its narrow part, the strait of dover, is 32 kilometers wide (narrow). 3. the world's the smallest countries are vatican city, in italy, and monaco, which is situated in the south of france (small). both of them are smaller than a small collective farm (small). 4. holland is famous for her tulips. holland has more tulips than any other country, and her tulips are the finest in the world (many; fine).

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Has-иметь ну только он касается как He she it на пример:He has play basketball in outside


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