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2. выберите слово, противоположное по значению к данному. номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов. 6. urban a) city b) major c) southern 7. expensive a) cheap b) expressive c) extra 8. luxury a) essential b) lucky c) expensive 9. save up a) spend b) repay c) lend 10.modern a) old b) broken c) wasted 3. выберите словосочетание, соответствующее . номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов. 11.красивый сад a) beautiful garden b) beautiful bedroom 12.недвижимость a) real estate b) real story 13.первоначальный взнос за ипотеку a) down payment b) down fall 14.спокойный район a) quiet place b) quiet area 15.маленький дом a) small house b) huge house грамматика 4. вставьте вопросительные слова what или which в пропуски. занесите выбранный вариант в лист ответов. 16. … colour is your pen? 17. … picture did henry paint, the left one or the right one? 18. … language does mr miller ыегвн, french or italian? 19. … subject do you like better, art or music? 20. … car is faster, the red one or the blue one? 21. … time do you usually get up on sundays? 22. … juice do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice? 23. … project do you not like? 24. … page are we on? 5. выберите правильную альтернативу из двух предложенных. занесите выбранный вариант в лист ответов. 25. if i would work / worked for myself, i’d be in charge of my own life. 26. what do i do / would i do if i was the boss? i’d pay my employees good salaries. 27. if i was in charge of my own business, i invested /’d invest in a good website and good advertising. 28. i’d hire the best and brightest people if i own / owned my own business. 29. i’ll treat /’d treat my customers well if i ran my own company. 30. if i was / would be the boss of my own company, i’d introduce an incentive scheme for all staff. 31. everyone had to / would have to wear smart suits if i was in charge of my own business. 32. i’d earn more money if i didn’t work / wouldn’t work for someone else. 33. i’d have a flexible schedule if i’m / was self-employed. 6. подберите к первой части условных предложений (из первого столбика) их окончание (из второго столбика). номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов. 34. if you want to buy a house a) you should buy a studio. 35. if you want to buy a car b ) i’d book a long holiday in italy.. 36. if you want to live alone c) i would contact the embassy. 37. if i have to live abroad d) you will get wet. 38. if you went to the tropics e) you will get sick. 39. if you don’t drink enough water f) you will need a garage. 40. if you don’t take your umbrella g) you will need to pay a mortgage. 41. if i were retired and had money h) you will have to get vaccinated. 42. if you want to get a visa to germany i) you should get an invitation. 43. if i had enough money j) i would stop working. чтение 7. прочитайте текст и определите верны ли ниже утверждения (а -верно; b - не верно; c - информация в тексте отсутствует). внесите букву, правильный вариант, в лист ответов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

26. c) southern 7. a) cheap 8. a) essential 9. a) spend 10. a) old 3 11. a) beautiful garden 12. a) real estate 13. a) down payment 14. b) quiet area 15. a) small house 4 16. what 17. which 18. which 19. which 20. which 21. what 22. which 23. what 24. what 5 25. worked for myself 26. would i do 27. i’d invest 28. i owned 29. i’d treat 30. i was 31. would have 32. didn’t work 33. was self-employed 6 34. g) you’ll need to pay a mortgage 35. f) you’ll need a garage 36. a) you should buy a studio 37. c) i would contact the embassy 38. h) you’ll have to get vaccinated 39. e) you’ll get sick 40. d) you’ll get wet 41. b) is book a long holiday in italy 42. i) you should get an invitation 43. j) i would stop working

1. i quit smoking and put on weight. 2. the council has approved plans for a new shopping centre. 3. he borrowed this book from his sister. 4. can you explain to me how this machine works? 5. the story hit the headlines the very next day. 6. many people have questioned the wisdom of spending so much money on weapons. 7. he won the 2017 world motor racing title. 8. you shouldn't take out school supplies without permission. 9. she has a detailed knowledge of naval history. 10. i'm really pleased with the quality of his work. 11. stop laughing - it's not funny! 12. neighbours described her as a shy, quit girl.

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