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Люди, . нужно мнение на тему "мой идеальный сосед по комнате" на . примерно 10 предложений. желательно с переводом. буду . 50

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Ответы на вопрос:

My ideal roommate should be clever and cheerful. it is desirable that he would like the same styles of music that i like, so we would often listen to music we both like in our room together. i am very bad at cooking and i'd like he/she could  cook well. he must always put all his/her things in their places because i like when the room is tidy. i would like him/her not to be mean and rude and not to have bad habits like smoking, for example! i would like him to be sporty in order we both could do the same sport. мой идеальный сосед по комнате должен быть умным и веселым. желательно, чтобы он любил  те же стили музыки, которые мне нравятся, поэтому мы вместе часто слушали бы музыку, которая нам  обоим нравится в нашей комнате. я плохо готовлю и мне хотелось бы, чтобы  он/она мог хорошо готовить. он/она всегда должен класть все свои вещи на свои места, потому что мне нравится, когда в комнате порядок. я бы хотел, чтобы он/она не грубил(а) и не хамил(а)  и не имел вредных привычек, таких как курение, например! я хотел бы, чтобы он был спортивным, тогда бы мы оба могли заниматься одним и тем  же спортом.

my ideal roommate would be a very cooperative person. becaue we woud share an apartment together, we would have to help each other. if i were ever sick when i was supposed to clean our living room, my considerate roommate would switch turns with me. also, if she had a car and i didn't, sometimes she would give me a ride for school. i wouldn't hesitate to ask a favor of her because i would know that she was trying to help me as much as possible. also, even though i know that money sometimes complicates relationships, there would be no problem with this between us. she would lend me money when i didn't have enough cash because she would know that i wouldn't cheat her, and i would do the same for her.

Becky did not play puzzles yesterday

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