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Вставьте где present perfect а где present perfect continuous 1)i (attend) swimming pool a 5 years ago 2)i (peel) onions, that’s why i am red now 3)our neighbor (have) this car for 20 years

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i attended swimming pool 5 years ago. (действие закончилось в прошлом, поэтому нужно использовать past simple)

2) i have been peeling onions, that’s why i am red now. (здесь есть связь с настоящим, результат, поэтому выбираем present perfect continuous)

3) our neighbor has had this car for 20 years. (действие длится до сих пор, но глагол have в данном значении нельзя использовать в форме continuous, поэтому нам нужна форма present perfect)

1. i don't have a chalk 2. she does not have copybooks 3.they does not have a books 4. i do not have brothers 5. my brother does not have a family. 6. we do not have good plates 7. she does not have a bag

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