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Our time is an epoch of serious and global international relations. it makes people to live according to some special rules and settings. one of them is learning a foreign language. it is an actual vital problem nowadays. there are people who agree to this fact, and there are people who do not. i will try to introduce the former point of view.   i think, learning a foreign language is necessary for every modern person. firstly, it gives a great professional choice. knowing a foreign language, i will be able to live and work abroad in future. secondly, for me it is more important that it broadens my outlook. i can read books and watch films in their original version. and thirdly, learning a foreign language also teaches to think logically and understand the world of another, not your country’s, culture. but i know many people who do not support this opinion. for them learning of a foreign language is useless because they are not planning to live abroad as it is not patriotically. as for me, we should know any languages besides our native russian independently of our plans. and on the contrary, it is a manifestation of a real patriotism because with the help of a foreign language we can promote our country, make it more progressive in foreigners’ opinion. in conclusion, i would like to say in particular about my foreign language. i study english. it is one of the most spread languages of the world. without english it is impossible to communicate with other people all over the planet.

These computes were  made in korea. passengers were asked not to speak to the driver. sorry about the noise — the road is being mended. the village church was burnt down last year. a roman pavement has just been found under oxford street. эти компьютеры были сделаны в кореи. пассажиров попросили не разговаривать с водителем. извините за шум — дорогу чинят. церковь в деревне была сожжена в прошлом году. римский тротуар прям только что нашли под оксфорд-стрит.

Популярно: Английский язык